Despite the widespread use of mediation, mediation advocacy remains one of the most overlooked and underestimated facets of its practice. It is different in many ways from court advocacy or other types of advocacy. This full-day workshop will examine the role of the mediation advocate, the essential skills and techniques that he needs to deploy at various stages of the mediation process, as well as issues of professional and ethical conduct faced by the mediation advocate. It will also explore how barristers and solicitors may apply or adapt their lawyering skills to mediation.
The first of its kind in many years, the workshop is jointly organised by the Hong Kong Bar Association and the Hong Kong Mediation Council. It will be led by two eminent trainers and practitioners in the field. Hailing from London, Michel Kallipetis QC has been described as a "mediator who instantly commands respect" and a "senior statesman in the UK mediation market". Philip Howell-Richardson is one of the UK's top mediators and has been a Visiting Professor at HKU.
This Workshop will be conducted online via Zoom. The trainers will be assisted by a team of experienced coaches and mediators.
Participation Fee: HKD1,500 per person
Early Bird Discounted Fee (by 9 October 2020): HKD1,250 per person
CPD Points:
Hong Kong Bar Association - 2 ALE Points (confirmed)
The Law Society of Hong Kong and HKMAAL - 7 points (pending)
Click HERE to Register
Welcome Remarks by Mr Robin Egerton - Chairman, Committee on Mediation, Hong Kong Bar Association
What is mediation advocacy? Role of mediation advocates?
Effective preparation for mediation (clients / documents) & Group discussion on identifying problems encountered by mediation advocates at the preparation phase.
Essential mindset, tools and skills of a mediation advocate
Drafting and delivering opening statements for mediation session (small group teaching)
Joint session – goals for a joint session;
Respective role of client and advocate in the joint session; and
Dos and Don’ts of mediation advocates at the joint session.
Caucus – strategic use of caucuses/identifying self and interests of the other party/costs risks analysis; Negotiation phase – strategies/preparation for negotiation/distributive or integrating/packaging solutions;
Working with the mediator, and
Use of sub-caucuses (lawyers caucus and parties caucus)
Exercise: skills and strategies in joint sessions and caucuses (small group teaching)