This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) events.


WIA Coffee Roulette is a series of bi-monthly events, aiming to provide a platform for worldwide arbitration practitioners to connect with each other and to encourage cross-cultural exchanges in the international arbitration community.


Each of the bi-monthly events will be divided into two parts: 

  • The first part is a 30-minute Main Room chat between a WIA host and a guest speaker
  • The second part is a 30-minute Satellite Room chat. Each participant will be paired with another participant, who could be our guest speaker, in a Satellite Room for a private and informal chat. The Satellite Room chat will be entirely led by the two participants

The Main Room chat of the fifth WIA Coffee Roulette will be hosted by Weina Ye, International Partner of Herbert Smith Freehills Kewei Joint Operation Office and joined by Prof. Chin Leng Lim, Membre associé de l'Institut de droit international, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Keating Chambers London, as the guest speaker. 

Please join us on 30 October 2023 at 16:00 HKT for our fifth session in this series of WIA Coffee Roulette whenProf. Chin Leng Lim will share highlights of his career, practice, and advice for younger practitioners and join our Satellite Room chat.

Date: Monday, 30 October 2023

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm (HKT)

Language: English 


  • Prof. Chin Leng Lim (Membre associé de l’Institut de droit international; Chinese University of Hong Kong; Keating Chambers London.)

    Prof. Chin Leng Lim

    Membre associé de l’Institut de droit international; Chinese University of Hong Kong; Keating Chambers London.

    More Information

  • Weina Ye (International Partner at Herbert Smith Freehills Kewei,)

    Weina Ye

    International Partner at Herbert Smith Freehills Kewei,

    More Information

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