Advocacy is an essential part of the arbitral process in international arbitrations; however, it may be perceived as something highly technical that only Barristers can master. Counsel may also face additional challenges when using English language to conduct a cross examination if it is not their native language. In this event, we have invited Steven Lim, an arbitrator and a barrister at 39 Essex Court Chambers, to deliver a training session on how to deliver effective advocacy even if it is not your native language. The session will include a combination of an experience sharing from Steven and two other PRC-based international arbitration practitioners and a live demonstration of cross examining factual witnesses based a mock case showcasing the techniques.
开庭辩论是国际仲裁程序的重要组成部分,但常被认为只有"大律师"才能熟练掌握的高深技能。 对于母语不是英语的律师来说,开庭辩论往往更加让人望而却步。 本次活动我们邀请了39 Essex Court Chambers的仲裁员兼大律师Steven Lim,专门面向非英语母语的律师,针对如何有效进行开庭辩论提供培训。 本次活动将包括由Steven Lim和另两位中文母语的国际仲裁从业人员的经验分享,以及对事实证人进行交叉盘问的现场演示。
Language 语言: English 英文
HK45 is a group for young arbitration practitioners in Hong Kong and beyond formed under the auspices of the HKIAC. Our aims are to promote interest in and knowledge of issues relating to arbitration, and to provide opportunities for both professional development and social interaction.
Membership of HK45 is free. To join HK45, please subscribe here.
HK45是香港国际仲裁中心 HKIAC下属公益组织,旨在为 45 岁以下对仲裁领域感兴趣的专业人士提供一个交流 、学习 、共同成长的平台 。同时为推广仲裁、强化香港及其他地区的仲裁业献出一份力 。