Apr 27, 2023
This is the second edition of the ADNDRC's Domain Name Practice Development Workshop. This year, the Practice Development Workshop will explore practical and legal complexities relating to proceedings under the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP), including concurrent litigation proceedings, case management by the ADNDRC, and the practitioner's perspective.
ADNDRC provides comprehensive online dispute resolution services for resolving domain name disputes, accredited by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) since 2002.
Dates and Time: 27 April 2023, 10:00am – 12:30pm HKT; and 28 April 2023, 10:00am – 12:30pm HKT
Dr. Christopher To is a chartered arbitrator, certified adjudicator and accredited mediator, chartered engineer, chartered information technology professional, barrister-at-law and a law professor (adjunct) who is on the panels of various leading global alternative dispute resolution bodies. He has arbitrated, adjudicated and mediated a variety of cases and is representing clients in cases within the dispute resolution field.
Christopher is currently a barrister at law at Gilt Chambers and the Programme Director of the Masters in Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution at the City University of Hong Kong and was the Secretary-General of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (1998 to 2008).
Doug Clark is the founding partner of Douglas Clark LLP a boutique IP litigation and arbitration firm in Hong Kong. Doug has been a domain name panelist for WIPO since 2008 and for the ADNDRC and HKIAC since 2011. He has rendered over 400 domain name decisions in English, Chinese and Japanese. He has also handled domain name recovery proceedings for clients both in administrative proceedings and before the courts. He is author of Hong Kong Intellectual Property which includes a chapter on domain name recovery.
Doug is a solicitor advocate and previously practiced as a barrister in Hong Kong from 2011 to 2019. Before that he was managing partner of Lovells (now Hogan Lovells) Shanghai office. He studied Chinese and Chinese law at Fudan University in Shanghai and also attended high school in Japan as an exchange student.
Doug Isenberg, attorney and founder of The GigaLaw Firm in Atlanta, has represented clients in domain name disputes and transactions for more than 25 years. He represents some of the world’s biggest and best-known brands with respect to their Internet legal matters — including the largest complaint ever filed under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP). Doug serves as a domain name panelist for most of the ICANN-approved UDRP service providers; wrote a book about Internet law published by Random House; created a 14-part masterclass on domain name disputes on YouTube; edits the quarterly GigaLaw Domain Dispute Digest (the only publication that tracks detailed data under the UDRP and other domain name dispute policies); and publishes regular case studies about domain name disputes on YouTube. The World Trademark Review has said that Doug is “a whiz on all things to do with Internet law and domain names.”
With over 20 years of experience in the fields of intellectual property law and general litigation, Bahari heads the Intellectual Property and Technology, Media & Telecommunications practice. He is has been ranked as a leading Tier 1 intellectual property lawyer in Malaysia by legal 500, where he was acknowledged as “undoubtedly very knowledgeable in his field of practice — his commitment, passion and enthusiasm are commendable”.
Chambers Asia Pacific ranked Bahari as a Ranked Lawyer and described him as “often engaged by leading global and domestic brands on trade mark infringement cases”, noted for his expertise in all types of IP litigation”, “particularly hands-on and very conversant with IP matters in Malaysia,” and “customer-centric approach and adaptability to economic changes”.
Asia Business Law Journal lists Bahari as one of Malaysia’s Top 100 Lawyers in 2021 and acknowledges his expertise in Litigation, Intellectual Property, Licensing & Franchising, Technology, Media and Telecommunications and Ecommerce, Fintech, Blockchain & Cryptos.
He also sits as a Panellist at the Asian International Arbitration Centre (Domain Name Dispute Resolution). He served as a member of the Group Standing Committee for Copyright (2015-2018) of the Asian Patent Attorney Association (APAA) Malaysia.
María Alejandra López García, is a Venezuelan Lawyer, Industrial Property Agent, with more than 20 years of experience in Distinctive Signs and Domain Names, in the public and private sector nationally and internationally. She has successfully studied Intellectual Property, at the Metropolitan University of Caracas and at Alicante´s University.
She was part of the Legal Team of the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, administering more than 500 UDRP and ccTLD Procedures in domain name´s alternative dispute resolution.
Since 2017 she runs her own firm IPRs On-line, S.C. focused exclusively on the solution of Intellectual Property Rights Infringements on the Internet.
She has been part of our list of UDRP Experts since 2022, a position she carries out with enthusiasm and impeccable professional ethics.
Ms. Lu Yahan joined China International Economic and Trade arbitration Commission (CIETAC) in 2014 as the case manager for arbitration cases and became an ADNDRC Case Manager in 2015. Ms. Lu Yahan has managed over 500 international and domestic commercial arbitrations cases and over 400 domain name disputes.
Being a representative of CIETAC in UNCITRAL Working Group IV, Ms. Lu Yahan plays an active role in CIETAC’s international cooperation.
Ms. Lu Yahan also serves on the Editorial Board of Arbitration and Law, a law review publishes every 3 months with highlights on international arbitration practice and theory.
Before joining CIETAC, Ms. Lu Yahan received her J.D. degree from Peking University, School of Transnational Law.
As a Senior Case Counsel at the Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC), Prissilla manages a diverse caseload of international and domestic arbitration, adjudication as well as and domain name proceedings. Aside from the daily case management work, Prissilla is also involved in various ADR related projects at the AIAC, some notable projects include the AIAC Arbitration Rules Revision, Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act Reform as well as the AIAC’s annual Asia ADR Week. Upon reading law and graduating with an LL.B Honors degree from the University of Hull, United Kingdom, Prissilla went on to complete her Certificate in Legal Practice (CLP) and was subsequently admitted as an Advocate and Solicitor in the High Court of Malaya (Malaysia). Prior to joining the AIAC, Prissilla practised as a lawyer where she had predominately advised and acted as co-counsel in areas pertaining to Construction & Engineering, International & Domestic Arbitration as well as General Litigation.
Yune Sung received a master's degree in computer science from Yonsei University in Korea. Since 1999, he has joined the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) and has been engaged in cyber security such as cyber security assurance, Computer Incident Response, and Cryptography. Since 2022, serving as the secretary-general of the Internet Address Dispute Resolution Committee of KISA, he deals with KR-DRP, ADNDRC UDRP cases and its promotion.
Kelly is a Case Manager at HKIAC. She administers domain name dispute resolution proceedings for gTLDs, new gTLDs, and ccTLDs as part of the domain name dispute resolution services provided by HKIAC and the Hong Kong Office of the ADNDRC. Prior to joining HKIAC, Kelly has had a wide range of experience including assisting in commercial and EU law research for academics at Cambridge University.
Johnson is a Case Manager at HKIAC. He administers domain name dispute resolution proceedings for gTLDs, new gTLDs, and ccTLDs as part of the domain name dispute resolution services provided by HKIAC and the Hong Kong Office of the ADNDRC. Prior to joining HKIAC, Johnson interned at a number of international and local law firms in Hong Kong.
Paddy Tam is the product manager for CSC’s Brand Protection business in the APAC region. He has more than 10 years of brand protection and dispute resolution experience, specializing in online brand protection and anti-fraud services, helping clients detect and remove online threats such as rogue websites, counterfeit goods, unauthorized trademark and logo use, fake social media accounts, and fraudulent mobile apps. Paddy is also a Domain Name Panelist accredited globally, with the Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre, Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, and Asian International Arbitration Centre, among others.
Prof. Hong XUE is a Law Professor at Beijing Normal University. She has been an arbitrator at China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) since 2004 and China Maritime Arbitration Commission since 2021, the UDRP neutral of World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) since 2000 and Asia Domain Names Dispute Resolution Center (ADNDRC) since 2001. She is the Vice President of Beijing E-Commerce Law Association, Member of Executive Council of China Network and Information Law Association and Deputy Director of Internet Governance and International Cooperation Committee of China Cyber Space Security Society. She is on the Advisory Committee of the United Nations Network of Experts for Paperless Trade in Asia and the Pacific (UNNExT) and 2nd APEC E-Commerce Business Alliance Expert Council.
Prof. Yun ZHAO is Henry Cheng Professor in International Law and Head of Department of Law at the University of Hong Kong (HKU); PhD (Erasmus University Rotterdam); LLM (Leiden University); LLM & LLB (China University of Political Science and Law). Prof. Zhao is currently Representative of Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP) of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH); Standing Council Member of Chinese Society of International Law; Council Member of Chinese Law Society; Council Member of Zhuhai International Court of Arbitration; Chair Professor at Xiamen University (2020-2023). He is listed as arbitrator in several international arbitration commissions.
Neil is a King’s Counsel at Victorian Bar and has been a barrister and arbitrator since 1964. He has had an extensive career in law, government, arbitration and mediation, consulting, inquiries, expert appraisal of cases and the arbitration of domain name disputes. Neil is a domain name panelist at the Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre (ADNDRC), FORUM, WIPO, Czech Arbitration Court, the Canadian International Internet Dispute Resolution Centre, MFSD (Milan) on the URS and numerous panels internationally and in Australia on domain names and commercial arbitration. Neil is also the founder of Domain Times and the Domain Name Institute.
Neil is the President of the Australian Institute for Commercial Arbitration, and a member of the Panel of Conciliators at the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). He has also been appointed by the Australian Media and Communications Authority as an arbitrator under the Media Bargaining Code.
Neil was a former Minister and Member of Parliament of Australia from 1969, including serving as Minister for Communications. He has received extensive teaching appointments at universities, lecture tours and seminars on teaching domain name law. He has been honoured with the Centenary Medal of the Commonwealth of Australia, and conducted three major inquiries for the Australian Government.
Ho-Hyun Nahm, as a patent and trademark attorney, has protected the trademarks, designs, and patents of some of the world’s best-known entrepreneurs and international brands and designs.
Expertise as Arbitrator · Panelist
Ho-Hyun also has extensive experience in domain name disputes resolution. He has rendered over 1,000 decisions on domain name disputes and IP related arbitration cases. He served as Chairman of Korea Internet Address Dispute Resolution Committee (KIDRC) , and he is currently very active as a panelist or an arbitrator of the U.S. National Arbitration Forum (NAF), WIPO, the Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Committee (ADNDRC), the Czech Arbitration Court (CAC), Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC), the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB).
Academic Background
Ho-Hyun has graduated from the Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University (MPA); and the College of Law, Chung-ju University (LL.B). He has obtained a diploma of the KCAB Arbitration CEO Academy. He lectured at the National Police University of Korea and the Sookmyung Women's University in the capacity of visiting professor. He also lectured at the Handong International Law School and the Seoul National University, Business Course for Chief IP Officers (CIPO).
Present Positions
He is currently serving as Lead Partner of BARUN IP & LAW, President of the FICPI-Korea, and Arbitrator/Panelist of NAF, WIPO, CAC, ADNDRC, HKIAC, and KCAB.
Broadcastings, Books and Essays
Ho Hyun has hosted the weekly TV program- 'Ho-Hyun Nahm's Fun Anecdotes of Patents’ broadcasted by Daily Economy TV (MBN). He has written as many books on intellectual property issues as: “Challenging the 21st Century with Intellectual Property Rights” published by the Chosun Daily Newspaper and selected as a best seller in the section of sociology and politics subsequently published in English and Japanese; “Change Your Life with Ideas”; “From Edison to iPod” (2010), an adapted version to Korean Intellectual Property Law and Practice; Internet searchable “Opposition Guideline (for Korean jurisdiction)” of International Trademark Association (INTA); Internet searchable “Enforcement: An International Litigation Guide (for Korean jurisdiction) of International Trademark Association (INTA); “Domain Name Handbook 2nd Edition (for Korean jurisdiction (in English and German)” published by Oxford University Press; "Designing Your Own Unique and Dazzling Life" published in Korean by Maeil Business News Korea (Economic daily newspaper) (2016) and published in English by AuthorHouse in London; "A Jackpot Journey" published by the Korea Economic Daily. He has written a dozen of articles and research thesis relating to intellectual properties.
Lectures and Speech
Ho-Hyun has lectured and spoken more than 50 times at universities, law schools, entrepreneurs, international conferences such as INTA, AIPPI, APAA, FICPI, PTMG, ECCK, etc.
Ms. Zhong is Vice President of Lee and Li-Leaven IPR Agency Ltd. Ms. Zhong's areas of expertise include IPR Laws, the Anti-unfair Competition Law and the Civil and Commercial Law of the People's Republic of China.
Ms. Zhong has a wealth of practical experience in law in areas such as trademark application and protection, trademark arbitration and litigation, computer software registration (a category of copyright), mechanisms to settle domain name disputes, brand strategy planning, protection of copyright, etc. She has worked on many IPR protection cases on behalf of a large number of multinational corporations and fortune 500 companies. She has been invited to give presentations and held many seminars at a variety of IPR summit forums.
Ms. Zhong has been a Panelist of ODRC under CIETAC since 2010 and a Panelis of ADNDRC since 2020. In addition, she serves as the National Advisory Expert for Oversea Intellectual Property Dispute Settlement, and the Expert of Advisory Committee on Intellectual Property Case-guiding Research under the Supreme People's Court in Beijing during 2015-2019.
Neil is a King’s Counsel at Victorian Bar and has been a barrister and arbitrator since 1964. He has had an extensive career in law, government, arbitration and mediation, consulting, inquiries, expert appraisal of cases and the arbitration of domain name disputes. Neil is a domain name panelist at the Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre (ADNDRC), FORUM, WIPO, Czech Arbitration Court, the Canadian International Internet Dispute Resolution Centre, MFSD (Milan) on the URS and numerous panels internationally and in Australia on domain names and commercial arbitration. Neil is also the founder of Domain Times and the Domain Name Institute.
Neil is the President of the Australian Institute for Commercial Arbitration, and a member of the Panel of Conciliators at the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). He has also been appointed by the Australian Media and Communications Authority as an arbitrator under the Media Bargaining Code.
Neil was a former Minister and Member of Parliament of Australia from 1969, including serving as Minister for Communications. He has received extensive teaching appointments at universities, lecture tours and seminars on teaching domain name law. He has been honoured with the Centenary Medal of the Commonwealth of Australia, and conducted three major inquiries for the Australian Government.
Sarah is currently a full-time arbitrator at Twenty Essex Chambers. She has over 20 years of experience in international commercial, investment treaty, and public international law dispute resolution proceedings. From 2016 to 2022, Sarah served as Secretary-General of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC).
Prior to that, she spent a decade at the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in The Hague where she administered complex inter-State, investor-State, and contractual disputes involving States, State entities, and intergovernmental organisations. Sarah has also worked at the ICC International Court of Arbitration (ICC) in Paris administering hundreds of commercial cases under the ICC Rules of Arbitration.
Sarah is a Council Member of the Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre (ADNDRC) and a member of the ADNDRC’s Panel Selection Committee.
Dr. Kun Fan is associate professor of UNSW Law and Justice, a member of Herbert Smith Freehills China International Business and Economic Law Centre (CIBEL). She is an award-winning scholar in the area of international arbitration, mediation and comparative legal studies. She held academic positions at McGill University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and was a Visiting Scholar of the Harvard Yenching Institute and Singapore International Dispute Resolution Academy. She is called to the New York Bar, an Academic Council Member of the Institute of Transnational Arbitration (ITA), a Domain Names Panelist of the Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre (ADNDRC), an Accredited Mediator of the Hong Kong Mediation Accreditation Association (HKMAAL), an Arbitrator of a number of arbitration institutions.
Sebastian is currently a barrister and arbitrator at Prince’s Chambers. Sebastian is a Fellow of CIArb and a WIPO Approved Neutral. He is an Arbitrator and Mediator with WIPO, HKIAC (Panel of Arbitrators for Intellectual Property Disputes; Panel of Emergency Arbitrators; List of Arbitrators), SCIA, SHAC and AIAC. Sebastian is a Domain Name Panelist with WIPO, FORUM, HKIAC, ADNDRC and AIAC. He has to date rendered more than 800 domain name decisions in both English and Chinese.
Sebastian was admitted to practice as a solicitor in Victoria, Australia in 1998 and in Hong Kong in 2003. Prior to being called to the bar, he was a partner in an international law firm.
Sebastian is a fluent Putonghua speaker.
Matthew Kennedy, an Australian national, is included in the ADNDRC administrative panel and the HKIAC domain name panel. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and holds a Ph.D. from the University of Bern. A former senior lawyer at the World Trade Organization in Geneva and a former professor of law at the University of International Business & Economics in Beijing, he now consults from Uruguay. He has published widely and authored the book “WTO Dispute Settlement and the TRIPS Agreement: Applying Intellectual Property Standards in a Trade Law Framework” published by Cambridge University Press.
Dr. Mariel Dimsey is Secretary-General of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre responsible for its international dispute resolution services and operations from Hong Kong, Seoul, and Shanghai. She is an international commercial and investment arbitration specialist.
Prior to joining the HKIAC, Mariel was a Partner at CMS and Co-Head of the global CMS International Arbitration Group. She has over 15 years’ experience acting as adviser and advocate in numerous international arbitrations. She has extensive experience in both common law and civil law disputes, including disputes involving Chinese parties, and has full professional fluency in German. She also sits regularly as arbitrator and has experience as arbitrator under the HKIAC, ICC, KCAB, and DIS Rules, and in ad hoc disputes. She is on the arbitrator panels of several institutions.
She is a past co-chair of the HK45 Committee, and a member of the WILHK Advisory Board. She is consistently ranked in both the regional and global editions of the leading legal directories.
Mariel has a Dr. iur. (summa cum laude) from the University of Basel, an LLM from the University of Cologne and an LLB/BA (Business German) from the University of Queensland. She is admitted to practice law in Australia and Hong Kong.
Deputy Secretary General of CIETAC Online Dispute Resolution Center; Case Manager of ADNDRC Beijing Office
More Information
Neil is a King’s Counsel at Victorian Bar and has been a barrister and arbitrator since 1964. He has had an extensive career in law, government, arbitration and mediation, consulting, inquiries, expert appraisal of cases and the arbitration of domain name disputes. Neil is a domain name panelist at the Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre (ADNDRC), FORUM, WIPO, Czech Arbitration Court, the Canadian International Internet Dispute Resolution Centre, MFSD (Milan) on the URS and numerous panels internationally and in Australia on domain names and commercial arbitration. Neil is also the founder of Domain Times and the Domain Name Institute.
Neil is the President of the Australian Institute for Commercial Arbitration, and a member of the Panel of Conciliators at the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). He has also been appointed by the Australian Media and Communications Authority as an arbitrator under the Media Bargaining Code.
Neil was a former Minister and Member of Parliament of Australia from 1969, including serving as Minister for Communications. He has received extensive teaching appointments at universities, lecture tours and seminars on teaching domain name law. He has been honoured with the Centenary Medal of the Commonwealth of Australia, and conducted three major inquiries for the Australian Government.
Doug Clark is the founding partner of Douglas Clark LLP a boutique IP litigation and arbitration firm in Hong Kong. Doug has been a domain name panelist for WIPO since 2008 and for the ADNDRC and HKIAC since 2011. He has rendered over 400 domain name decisions in English, Chinese and Japanese. He has also handled domain name recovery proceedings for clients both in administrative proceedings and before the courts. He is author of Hong Kong Intellectual Property which includes a chapter on domain name recovery.
Doug is a solicitor advocate and previously practiced as a barrister in Hong Kong from 2011 to 2019. Before that he was managing partner of Lovells (now Hogan Lovells) Shanghai office. He studied Chinese and Chinese law at Fudan University in Shanghai and also attended high school in Japan as an exchange student.
Dr. Mariel Dimsey is Secretary-General of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre responsible for its international dispute resolution services and operations from Hong Kong, Seoul, and Shanghai. She is an international commercial and investment arbitration specialist.
Prior to joining the HKIAC, Mariel was a Partner at CMS and Co-Head of the global CMS International Arbitration Group. She has over 15 years’ experience acting as adviser and advocate in numerous international arbitrations. She has extensive experience in both common law and civil law disputes, including disputes involving Chinese parties, and has full professional fluency in German. She also sits regularly as arbitrator and has experience as arbitrator under the HKIAC, ICC, KCAB, and DIS Rules, and in ad hoc disputes. She is on the arbitrator panels of several institutions.
She is a past co-chair of the HK45 Committee, and a member of the WILHK Advisory Board. She is consistently ranked in both the regional and global editions of the leading legal directories.
Mariel has a Dr. iur. (summa cum laude) from the University of Basel, an LLM from the University of Cologne and an LLB/BA (Business German) from the University of Queensland. She is admitted to practice law in Australia and Hong Kong.
Dr. Kun Fan is associate professor of UNSW Law and Justice, a member of Herbert Smith Freehills China International Business and Economic Law Centre (CIBEL). She is an award-winning scholar in the area of international arbitration, mediation and comparative legal studies. She held academic positions at McGill University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and was a Visiting Scholar of the Harvard Yenching Institute and Singapore International Dispute Resolution Academy. She is called to the New York Bar, an Academic Council Member of the Institute of Transnational Arbitration (ITA), a Domain Names Panelist of the Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre (ADNDRC), an Accredited Mediator of the Hong Kong Mediation Accreditation Association (HKMAAL), an Arbitrator of a number of arbitration institutions.
Sarah is currently a full-time arbitrator at Twenty Essex Chambers. She has over 20 years of experience in international commercial, investment treaty, and public international law dispute resolution proceedings. From 2016 to 2022, Sarah served as Secretary-General of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC).
Prior to that, she spent a decade at the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in The Hague where she administered complex inter-State, investor-State, and contractual disputes involving States, State entities, and intergovernmental organisations. Sarah has also worked at the ICC International Court of Arbitration (ICC) in Paris administering hundreds of commercial cases under the ICC Rules of Arbitration.
Sarah is a Council Member of the Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre (ADNDRC) and a member of the ADNDRC’s Panel Selection Committee.
Sebastian is currently a barrister and arbitrator at Prince’s Chambers. Sebastian is a Fellow of CIArb and a WIPO Approved Neutral. He is an Arbitrator and Mediator with WIPO, HKIAC (Panel of Arbitrators for Intellectual Property Disputes; Panel of Emergency Arbitrators; List of Arbitrators), SCIA, SHAC and AIAC. Sebastian is a Domain Name Panelist with WIPO, FORUM, HKIAC, ADNDRC and AIAC. He has to date rendered more than 800 domain name decisions in both English and Chinese.
Sebastian was admitted to practice as a solicitor in Victoria, Australia in 1998 and in Hong Kong in 2003. Prior to being called to the bar, he was a partner in an international law firm.
Sebastian is a fluent Putonghua speaker.
Doug Isenberg, attorney and founder of The GigaLaw Firm in Atlanta, has represented clients in domain name disputes and transactions for more than 25 years. He represents some of the world’s biggest and best-known brands with respect to their Internet legal matters — including the largest complaint ever filed under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP). Doug serves as a domain name panelist for most of the ICANN-approved UDRP service providers; wrote a book about Internet law published by Random House; created a 14-part masterclass on domain name disputes on YouTube; edits the quarterly GigaLaw Domain Dispute Digest (the only publication that tracks detailed data under the UDRP and other domain name dispute policies); and publishes regular case studies about domain name disputes on YouTube. The World Trademark Review has said that Doug is “a whiz on all things to do with Internet law and domain names.”
As a Senior Case Counsel at the Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC), Prissilla manages a diverse caseload of international and domestic arbitration, adjudication as well as and domain name proceedings. Aside from the daily case management work, Prissilla is also involved in various ADR related projects at the AIAC, some notable projects include the AIAC Arbitration Rules Revision, Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act Reform as well as the AIAC’s annual Asia ADR Week. Upon reading law and graduating with an LL.B Honors degree from the University of Hull, United Kingdom, Prissilla went on to complete her Certificate in Legal Practice (CLP) and was subsequently admitted as an Advocate and Solicitor in the High Court of Malaya (Malaysia). Prior to joining the AIAC, Prissilla practised as a lawyer where she had predominately advised and acted as co-counsel in areas pertaining to Construction & Engineering, International & Domestic Arbitration as well as General Litigation.
Matthew Kennedy, an Australian national, is included in the ADNDRC administrative panel and the HKIAC domain name panel. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and holds a Ph.D. from the University of Bern. A former senior lawyer at the World Trade Organization in Geneva and a former professor of law at the University of International Business & Economics in Beijing, he now consults from Uruguay. He has published widely and authored the book “WTO Dispute Settlement and the TRIPS Agreement: Applying Intellectual Property Standards in a Trade Law Framework” published by Cambridge University Press.
Ms. Lu Yahan joined China International Economic and Trade arbitration Commission (CIETAC) in 2014 as the case manager for arbitration cases and became an ADNDRC Case Manager in 2015. Ms. Lu Yahan has managed over 500 international and domestic commercial arbitrations cases and over 400 domain name disputes.
Being a representative of CIETAC in UNCITRAL Working Group IV, Ms. Lu Yahan plays an active role in CIETAC’s international cooperation.
Ms. Lu Yahan also serves on the Editorial Board of Arbitration and Law, a law review publishes every 3 months with highlights on international arbitration practice and theory.
Before joining CIETAC, Ms. Lu Yahan received her J.D. degree from Peking University, School of Transnational Law.
María Alejandra López García, is a Venezuelan Lawyer, Industrial Property Agent, with more than 20 years of experience in Distinctive Signs and Domain Names, in the public and private sector nationally and internationally. She has successfully studied Intellectual Property, at the Metropolitan University of Caracas and at Alicante´s University.
She was part of the Legal Team of the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, administering more than 500 UDRP and ccTLD Procedures in domain name´s alternative dispute resolution.
Since 2017 she runs her own firm IPRs On-line, S.C. focused exclusively on the solution of Intellectual Property Rights Infringements on the Internet.
She has been part of our list of UDRP Experts since 2022, a position she carries out with enthusiasm and impeccable professional ethics.
Ho-Hyun Nahm, as a patent and trademark attorney, has protected the trademarks, designs, and patents of some of the world’s best-known entrepreneurs and international brands and designs.
Expertise as Arbitrator · Panelist
Ho-Hyun also has extensive experience in domain name disputes resolution. He has rendered over 1,000 decisions on domain name disputes and IP related arbitration cases. He served as Chairman of Korea Internet Address Dispute Resolution Committee (KIDRC) , and he is currently very active as a panelist or an arbitrator of the U.S. National Arbitration Forum (NAF), WIPO, the Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Committee (ADNDRC), the Czech Arbitration Court (CAC), Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC), the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB).
Academic Background
Ho-Hyun has graduated from the Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University (MPA); and the College of Law, Chung-ju University (LL.B). He has obtained a diploma of the KCAB Arbitration CEO Academy. He lectured at the National Police University of Korea and the Sookmyung Women's University in the capacity of visiting professor. He also lectured at the Handong International Law School and the Seoul National University, Business Course for Chief IP Officers (CIPO).
Present Positions
He is currently serving as Lead Partner of BARUN IP & LAW, President of the FICPI-Korea, and Arbitrator/Panelist of NAF, WIPO, CAC, ADNDRC, HKIAC, and KCAB.
Broadcastings, Books and Essays
Ho Hyun has hosted the weekly TV program- 'Ho-Hyun Nahm's Fun Anecdotes of Patents’ broadcasted by Daily Economy TV (MBN). He has written as many books on intellectual property issues as: “Challenging the 21st Century with Intellectual Property Rights” published by the Chosun Daily Newspaper and selected as a best seller in the section of sociology and politics subsequently published in English and Japanese; “Change Your Life with Ideas”; “From Edison to iPod” (2010), an adapted version to Korean Intellectual Property Law and Practice; Internet searchable “Opposition Guideline (for Korean jurisdiction)” of International Trademark Association (INTA); Internet searchable “Enforcement: An International Litigation Guide (for Korean jurisdiction) of International Trademark Association (INTA); “Domain Name Handbook 2nd Edition (for Korean jurisdiction (in English and German)” published by Oxford University Press; "Designing Your Own Unique and Dazzling Life" published in Korean by Maeil Business News Korea (Economic daily newspaper) (2016) and published in English by AuthorHouse in London; "A Jackpot Journey" published by the Korea Economic Daily. He has written a dozen of articles and research thesis relating to intellectual properties.
Lectures and Speech
Ho-Hyun has lectured and spoken more than 50 times at universities, law schools, entrepreneurs, international conferences such as INTA, AIPPI, APAA, FICPI, PTMG, ECCK, etc.
Yune Sung received a master's degree in computer science from Yonsei University in Korea. Since 1999, he has joined the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) and has been engaged in cyber security such as cyber security assurance, Computer Incident Response, and Cryptography. Since 2022, serving as the secretary-general of the Internet Address Dispute Resolution Committee of KISA, he deals with KR-DRP, ADNDRC UDRP cases and its promotion.
Paddy Tam is the product manager for CSC’s Brand Protection business in the APAC region. He has more than 10 years of brand protection and dispute resolution experience, specializing in online brand protection and anti-fraud services, helping clients detect and remove online threats such as rogue websites, counterfeit goods, unauthorized trademark and logo use, fake social media accounts, and fraudulent mobile apps. Paddy is also a Domain Name Panelist accredited globally, with the Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre, Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre, and Asian International Arbitration Centre, among others.
Dr. Christopher To is a chartered arbitrator, certified adjudicator and accredited mediator, chartered engineer, chartered information technology professional, barrister-at-law and a law professor (adjunct) who is on the panels of various leading global alternative dispute resolution bodies. He has arbitrated, adjudicated and mediated a variety of cases and is representing clients in cases within the dispute resolution field.
Christopher is currently a barrister at law at Gilt Chambers and the Programme Director of the Masters in Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution at the City University of Hong Kong and was the Secretary-General of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (1998 to 2008).
Prof. Hong XUE is a Law Professor at Beijing Normal University. She has been an arbitrator at China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) since 2004 and China Maritime Arbitration Commission since 2021, the UDRP neutral of World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) since 2000 and Asia Domain Names Dispute Resolution Center (ADNDRC) since 2001. She is the Vice President of Beijing E-Commerce Law Association, Member of Executive Council of China Network and Information Law Association and Deputy Director of Internet Governance and International Cooperation Committee of China Cyber Space Security Society. She is on the Advisory Committee of the United Nations Network of Experts for Paperless Trade in Asia and the Pacific (UNNExT) and 2nd APEC E-Commerce Business Alliance Expert Council.
With over 20 years of experience in the fields of intellectual property law and general litigation, Bahari heads the Intellectual Property and Technology, Media & Telecommunications practice. He is has been ranked as a leading Tier 1 intellectual property lawyer in Malaysia by legal 500, where he was acknowledged as “undoubtedly very knowledgeable in his field of practice — his commitment, passion and enthusiasm are commendable”.
Chambers Asia Pacific ranked Bahari as a Ranked Lawyer and described him as “often engaged by leading global and domestic brands on trade mark infringement cases”, noted for his expertise in all types of IP litigation”, “particularly hands-on and very conversant with IP matters in Malaysia,” and “customer-centric approach and adaptability to economic changes”.
Asia Business Law Journal lists Bahari as one of Malaysia’s Top 100 Lawyers in 2021 and acknowledges his expertise in Litigation, Intellectual Property, Licensing & Franchising, Technology, Media and Telecommunications and Ecommerce, Fintech, Blockchain & Cryptos.
He also sits as a Panellist at the Asian International Arbitration Centre (Domain Name Dispute Resolution). He served as a member of the Group Standing Committee for Copyright (2015-2018) of the Asian Patent Attorney Association (APAA) Malaysia.
Ms. Zhong is Vice President of Lee and Li-Leaven IPR Agency Ltd. Ms. Zhong's areas of expertise include IPR Laws, the Anti-unfair Competition Law and the Civil and Commercial Law of the People's Republic of China.
Ms. Zhong has a wealth of practical experience in law in areas such as trademark application and protection, trademark arbitration and litigation, computer software registration (a category of copyright), mechanisms to settle domain name disputes, brand strategy planning, protection of copyright, etc. She has worked on many IPR protection cases on behalf of a large number of multinational corporations and fortune 500 companies. She has been invited to give presentations and held many seminars at a variety of IPR summit forums.
Ms. Zhong has been a Panelist of ODRC under CIETAC since 2010 and a Panelis of ADNDRC since 2020. In addition, she serves as the National Advisory Expert for Oversea Intellectual Property Dispute Settlement, and the Expert of Advisory Committee on Intellectual Property Case-guiding Research under the Supreme People's Court in Beijing during 2015-2019.
Prof. Yun ZHAO is Henry Cheng Professor in International Law and Head of Department of Law at the University of Hong Kong (HKU); PhD (Erasmus University Rotterdam); LLM (Leiden University); LLM & LLB (China University of Political Science and Law). Prof. Zhao is currently Representative of Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP) of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH); Standing Council Member of Chinese Society of International Law; Council Member of Chinese Law Society; Council Member of Zhuhai International Court of Arbitration; Chair Professor at Xiamen University (2020-2023). He is listed as arbitrator in several international arbitration commissions.
Johnson is a Case Manager at HKIAC. He administers domain name dispute resolution proceedings for gTLDs, new gTLDs, and ccTLDs as part of the domain name dispute resolution services provided by HKIAC and the Hong Kong Office of the ADNDRC. Prior to joining HKIAC, Johnson interned at a number of international and local law firms in Hong Kong.
Kelly is a Case Manager at HKIAC. She administers domain name dispute resolution proceedings for gTLDs, new gTLDs, and ccTLDs as part of the domain name dispute resolution services provided by HKIAC and the Hong Kong Office of the ADNDRC. Prior to joining HKIAC, Kelly has had a wide range of experience including assisting in commercial and EU law research for academics at Cambridge University.
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