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Thursday, March 21, 2019 (5:30 PM - 7:30 PM) GMT+8

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38/F, Exchange Square
8 Connaught Place, Central

Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR (China)

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Henri Alvarez QC

Henri Alvarez is an internationally recognized Canadian arbitrator who practices as an independent neutral at Vancouver Arbitration Chambers (VAC). Before establishing an independent arbitration practice (effective 1 December 2016), Henri was a partner of Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP.

Henri has over 30 years of experience as arbitrator and counsel in the field of international commercial arbitration and dispute resolution. From 1985 until 2012, Henri taught a course in this field at the Faculty of Law at The University of British Columbia. He has served as an arbitrator in a wide variety of international and domestic commercial arbitrations involving investments, trade, franchising, licensing, distributorship, construction, forestry, oil and gas, energy, banking, corporate and general commercial disputes. He has served as a sole arbitrator, party-appointed arbitrator and Chairman in both ad hoc and institutional arbitrations in many international commercial disputes and investment disputes.

John Beechey CBE

John Beechey CBE is among the best known arbitrators in the world. He has served as chairman, party-appointed arbitrator, or sole arbitrator on international arbitral tribunals in both 'ad hoc' (including UNCITRAL) and institutional arbitrations under the Rules of, inter alia, the European Development Fund (EDF), International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), International Centre for Dispute Resolution/ American Arbitration Association (ICDR/AAA), International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA), Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) and the Stockholm Chamber. He is a past President of the International Court of Arbitration of the ICC (2009-2015). His term of office is regarded as one, which brought about significant reform to, and the reinvigoration of, the ICC Court. He had previously served on the Executive Board of the AAA in New York and as a Vice-President and member of the Board of the LCIA. Before his retirement from private practice in the City of London, he was the founding partner and Head of the highly-regarded International Arbitration Group of Clifford-Turner (subsequently, Clifford Chance LLP) (1983-2008).

John Savage QC

John Savage QC has more than 25 years experience as an international arbitration lawyer, and has represented clients in approximately 200 arbitrations around the world under all major arbitration rules. His experience covers a variety of corporate, construction, energy and investment disputes, with an emphasis on the oil and gas, mining and power sectors. He has worked for high-profile clients including ConocoPhillips, Dow Chemical, GE, Samsung C&T and Shell, and his recent successes for clients include some of the largest awards handed down in international arbitration. He also has substantial experience in mediation.

John sits as arbitrator too, with appointments in more than 30 commercial and investment treaty arbitrations worldwide. He is a member of the Court of Arbitration of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre and was a Director of the SIAC from 2009 until 2017.
