This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) events.


HKIAC's next Tribunal Secretary Training Programme is scheduled to take place from 10 to 12 May 2023. Guided by experienced instructors, participants will receive practical training on the role of tribunal secretaries through various forms of discussions and exercises.


The programme is overseen by a Faculty and a Senior Advisory Board, which include renowned arbitration specialists from around the world.



1. The programme will be conducted in English.

2. Participants have to attend in-person at HKIAC.

3. Places are limited. Please register your interest by clicking the "Register" button and uploading your CV.

4. A non-refundable registration fee will be due upon successful enrollment.

5. The programme includes a written assessment component.

6. Exam results will be released to participants via email.

7. Participants who have successfully completed the assessment will receive a Certificate of Completion and will be listed on HKIAC's website.

8. This programme is mainly designed for junior law practitioners. Please feel free to extend our invitation to your contacts if you find it appropriate.


Remarks: Programme materials will be made available in soft copy upon successful enrollment.


Registration Fees:

Early Bird Price (on or before 17 March 2023) HKD 3,500

Standard Price (after 17 March 2023) HKD 5,000


For more information, please click here.

Faculty Members

  • Olga Boltenko, Hong Kong
  • Sarah Grimmer, Hong Kong 
  • Joe Liu, Hong Kong
  • Eric Ng, Hong Kong
  • Tim Robbins, Hong Kong
  • Romesh Weeramantry, Hong Kong
  • Nicolas Wiegand, Hong Kong
  • Niuscha Bassiri, Brussels
  • Joshua Fellenbaum, London 
  • Angeline Welsh, London 
  • Ina C. Popova, New York
  • Natalie Reid, New York
  • Chester Brown, Sydney
  • Anne Secomb, Singapore
  • Janet Whittaker, Washington DC

Senior Advisory Board

  • Neil Kaplan KC, Hong Kong
  • Henri Alvarez KC, Vancouver
  • Doug Jones AO, Sydney
  • Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler, Geneva
  • Julian Lew KC, London
  • Hilary Heilbron KC, London
  • Michael Hwang SC, Singapore


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