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HK45 is proud to launch its inaugural essay competition. We are inviting submissions from young practitioners and students.


Option 1: Will Artificial Intelligence help or harm arbitration?

Option 2: Is there any room for ADR in climate change disputes?

Option 3: COVID-19 has required arbitrations to rely heavily on technology. Has this improved or worsened the conduct of arbitrations?

Word count

Not more than 2500 words, excluding appendices, footnotes, tables, etc.



  • Winning essays will be selected by an esteemed panel of judges comprising: the Honourable Mr. Justice Robert Tang NPJ, GBM, SBS; Neil Kaplan CBE QC SBS; Chiann Bao and Sarah Grimmer.
  • Top essay from both categories will be considered for publication in Asian Dispute Review (subject to review by the Asian Dispute Review Editorial Board);
  • Winning, 1st Runner Up and 2nd Runner Up essays will be published on HK45 Blog.

Emerging Economies include: India, Indonesia, Laos, Mainland China, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, the Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam. If your country or territory is not included in this list, please email us with the name of your country or territory to confirm whether your submission will be considered in the Asia Emerging Economies Category or Global Categories.



Please click register and submit final essays in a single, text-searchable PDF file by 1 July 2021. Please make sure to include your name, organisation, and country at the top of your submission. All work should be original, and plagiarism will result in disqualification. Judges' decisions will be final.

Participants must be under 45 years old.

About HK45

HK45 is a group for young arbitration practitioners in Hong Kong and beyond formed under the auspices of the HKIAC. Our aims are to promote interest in and knowledge of issues relating to arbitration, and to provide opportunities for both professional development and social interaction.  

Membership of HK45 is free. To join HK45, please subscribe here​​​​​​​.