This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) events.


China has not always been an active participant in investment arbitration. Since ratifying the ICSID Convention in 1992, there have only been a handful of disputes involving a Chinese investor or the Chinese State as a respondent despite China being party to more than 100 BITs.


In recent years, with its further integration into the international business world, China's has gradually changed its treaty-making approach in respect of investor-state dispute settlement and has become increasingly engaged in reform in this area.


This webinar will offer an overview of China's evolving participation in investment arbitration and explore how that participation may develop in the future.


Key points include:

  • The evolution of Chinese participation in investment arbitration
  • The PRC Government's perspective on investment arbitration reform and its involvement in international instruments relevant to investment, i.e., RCEP, CAI, Australia-China Free Trade Agreement
  • The experience of Chinese investors and the Chinese State in investment arbitration
  • HKIAC's experience in investor-state arbitration 

Language: English
