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This webinar will offer an overview of how Mainland courts have granted applications for interim measures and enforced arbitral awards in recent times. 


The session will look at the core instruments that govern interim relief and enforcement of arbitral awards in Mainland China including the Hong Kong-Mainland China Interim Measures Arrangement, the New York Convention, and the updated Hong Kong-Mainland China Arrangement for the Enforcement of Arbitral Awards.


The session will include perspectives from the PRC judiciary on the court's approach to interim measures and enforcement of awards, the role of legal counsel in obtaining relief and enforcing awards, and HKIAC's experience on the ground to maximise recovery. 

Key points include:

  • Applying for interim measures and enforcing foreign awards in Mainland China: When and how? 
  • The considerations the PRC judiciary takes into account when granting interim measures and handling applications for enforcement.
  • Updates on the implementation of the 2019 Hong Kong-Mainland Interim Measures Arrangement and the 2020 Supplemental Hong Kong-Mainland Arrangement on the Enforcement of Arbitral Awards.  
  • HKIAC's latest statistics under the 2019 Hong Kong-Mainland Interim Measures Arrangement

Language: English


  • Meg Utterback (Partner at King & Wood Mallesons)

    Meg Utterback

    Partner at King & Wood Mallesons

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  • Dr. Kai Xiao (Vice President at Shanghai Financial Court)

    Dr. Kai Xiao

    Vice President at Shanghai Financial Court

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  • Dr. Ling Yang (Moderator) (Deputy Secretary-General and Chief Representative of the Shanghai Office at HKIAC)

    Dr. Ling Yang (Moderator)

    Deputy Secretary-General and Chief Representative of the Shanghai Office at HKIAC

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