Professor Hi-Taek
Professor Hi-Taek Shin is the Chairman of the KCAB INTERNATIONAL, Korean Commercial Arbitration Board’s international division. He also serves as the Governing Board member of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA). He recently retired from Seoul National University School of Law where he taught international business transactions and resolution of commercial and investment disputes arising from cross-border transactions since 2007. Prior to moving to academia in 2007, he was a partner at Kim & Chang specializing in mergers and acquisitions, cross-border investments and the resolution of disputes arising from cross-border investment projects. He also served as the Chairman of the Korea Trade Commission. He regularly sits as an arbitrator, both in international commercial arbitrations and investment treaty arbitrations. He is on the panel of arbitrators for the HKIAC, AAA/ICDR, ICSID, KCAB and SIAC. He is a member of the international commercial expert committee of the Supreme People’s Court of China. He is on the International Advisory Board of Vienna International Arbitration Centre.
He authored the Korean chapter in ‘Commentaries on Selected Model Investment Treaties’ (C. Brown edited, 2013) and ‘UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules and the Investment Treaty Arbitration Practice’ (in Korean, 2013). He also authored the Korean chapter in ‘‘The UNCITRAL Model Law and Asian Arbitration Laws’ (G. Bell ed., 2018, Cambridge University Press)
He chaired special commissions organized by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Korea for the enactment of the Arbitration Promotion Act. He also participated in the task force commissioned by the Ministry of Justice for the amendment of the Arbitration Act of Korea. He received LL.M. and J.S.D degrees from Yale Law School and LL.B. and LL.M degrees from Seoul National University.