This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) events.


HK45 together with Young ArbitralWomen Practitioners is pleased to announce the second session for the "Spill the T" series, a new off-the-grid, small group chat series for young practitioners to meet each other, share personal experiences, ask questions, and engage in frank discussions on gender-related issues. Each session will be attended by one or two experienced practitioners for advice sharing.


For the inaugural session, the group chatted about how they deal with different forms of gender bias in their professional life while sharing a bottle of wine. For the second session, we will talk about family planning – everything from pregnancy, to taking maternity / paternity leave, to having a young baby while juggling a busy legal career. Whether you are thinking about having kids or already have them, come and share your experiences, questions and concerns, and helpful tips.


This event is open to everyone regardless of gender, although participation will be in-person only and capped at 10 people each time by registration on a first-come first-serve basis. Sign up now to secure your spot and get ready to spill some tea!


*Successful registrants will be notified through HKIAC email.