The Hong Kong Launch of Dr Michael Hwang SC's "Selected Essays on Dispute Resolution"
MICHAEL HWANG SC is well-known to the Hong Kong arbitration community from his frequent visits and talks over the years. Last December he published a new book called "Selected Essays on Dispute Resolution": a collection of various essays written by him over the years, mainly on the subject of international arbitration, but also on other related topics which have attracted his interest over his 50 years in the law. As this volume was published to mark his 50th anniversary as a practising lawyer, it opens with an essay on his reminiscences and reflections on his career as a lawyer. There then follows essays on a diversity of topics in international commercial and investment treaty arbitration. This volume also includes essays on Mediation and International and Domestic Law, reflecting his broader interests in other areas of law. During his tenure as President of the Law Society of Singapore between 2008-2010, he also made a number of speeches on legal issues in Singapore, some of which are also included in this volume.
The launch took place in Singapore at the historic Old Parliament Chamber on 11 December 2018. The ceremony began with an introduction by the President of the Law Society of Singapore, Mr Gregory Vijayendran SC, and then an interview of Dr Hwang by Dr Kevin Tan, Singapore's foremost legal historian, followed by an introduction to the book of essays by Dr Hwang, highlighting which essays might be of particular interest to certain groups.
This evening will have a replay of the video of that event in Singapore with Dr Hwang in attendance to add additional comments and answer questions and of course to sign books for those who wish to acquire copies. As with his first volume, the book is distributed on a complimentary basis, but those who acquire copies are invited to make donations of HKD 600 to Mother's Choice.
Only a limited number of hard copies will be available at the launch. Please indicate whether you wish to acquire the book when you register online.
You are invited to make donations to Mother's Choice either by cash or cheque (made payable to "Mother's Choice Limited"). If you wish to donate by cheque, please send the cheque to HKIAC (38/F Two Exchange Square, 8 Connaught Place, Hong Kong). Please write your name on the back of the cheque. Otherwise, you can provide us with the cheque on the day of the event.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Fiona Cheung at