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Wednesday, September 11, 2019 (8:30 AM - 5:00 PM) GMT+8

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Marco Polo Shenzhen (Hawaii Room, 7/F)

28 Fuhua 1st Road, Futian CBD
Shenzhen 518048, China

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ADNDRC - Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre

ADNDRC was jointly established by the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) and the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) in 2002. It was established as a charitable institution in Hong Kong and remains today the same status. Since the inception of ADNDRC, CIETAC and HKIAC have been operating respectively as the Beijing Office and Hong Kong Office of the ADNDRC, providing domain name dispute resolution services under the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP). In 2006, the Korean Internet Address Dispute Resolution Committee (KIDRC) joined the ADNDRC and started to operate as the Seoul Office. In 2009, the ADNDRC announced the opening of its Kuala Lumpur Office operated by the Asian International Arbitration centre (AIAC). Since 2018, the Kuala Lumpur Office (AIAC) operates the Secretariat of the ADNDRC. For more information, see

HKIAC - Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre

Founded in 1985, the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) is one of Asia's oldest and most prestigious international arbitration institutions, offering efficient and cost effective arbitration administration services, in addition to mediation, adjudication and domain name dispute resolution. According to Global Arbitration Review, "No regional institution has been running so successfully for so long." With its multinational and multilingual Secretariat consisting of lawyers from around the world and a Panel Arbitrators comprised of leading arbitration experts with wide ranging expertise and experience from over 40 jurisdictions, HKIAC is Asia's premier arbitration institution. The pre-eminence of HKIAC as a venue for resolving international and domestic disputes is bolstered by its spacious state-of-the-art hearing facilities in central Hong Kong and is reflected in its diverse caseload. For more information, see
