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Manage Domain Names and Trademarks in the E-business World 2019 ADNDRC Conference
When Wednesday, September 11, 2019 (8:30 AM - 5:00 PM) GMT+8
Add to Calendar Where Marco Polo Shenzhen (Hawaii Room, 7/F)
28 Fuhua 1st Road, Futian CBD Shenzhen 518048 , China
Show on map Agenda
Opening Remarks - Vinayak Pradhan, Chairman, Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre (by video)
Session 1: Insidersโ Views on Procedural Issues (session in English)
- Salient issues in .cn, .hk, .kr and .my procedures - What needs to be done before filing your domain name complaint - Language issues in domain name dispute resolution
Session 2: Panelistsโ Views on Substantive Issues (session in English)
- Unregistered trademark rights - Identity or confusing similarity - Generic terms - Reseller/ distributor issue - Reverse domain name hijacking
Session 3: Protect and recover your domains and trademarks registered in bad faith before the Chinese courts (session in Mandarin)
Session 4: Tackling Domain Name and Trademark-squatting - Regulation, Law and Practice (session in Mandarin)
Session 5: ICANN new gTLD programme next round: what brand owners should know (session in English)
Session 6: Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) for Resolving IP Disputes (session in English)
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