This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) events.


Thursday, March 5, 2020 to Thursday, April 30, 2020 GMT+8

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如您有意加入WIA Committee,为WIA谏言献策、提供智慧、策划活动,共同致力于促进女性仲裁在国际仲裁领域的成功,请于2020年4月30日之前进行注册并提供下列信息:

  • 自我简介;以及
  • 简要说明意愿加入WIA Committee的理由

If you are interested in joining the WIA Committee to provide advice and wisdom, organise events, and work together to promote the success of female practitioners in the field of international arbitration, please click register and upload the following information by 30 April 2020:

  • A short biography; and
  • Brief reasons why you would like to join the committee