President of Policy and Compliance, Internet DotTrademark Organisation Ltd
Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Faculty of Law)
Principal, Rouse & Co International
Barrister & Arbitrator, Fortune Chambers
Barrister, Gilt Chambers
Equity Partner, Zhong Lun Law Firm
Secretary-General, HKIAC
Professor, Jinan University
Chief Representative, Asia Pacific, International Trademark Association
Barrister, Prince's Chambers
Case Manager, IDRC
Chief Executive Officer, eBRAM International Online Dispute Resolution Centre Limited
Sole Proprietor, Chloe Lee & Co
Partner, Hogan Lovells
Managing Counsel, HKIAC
Case Counsel, AIAC
Partner, SIPS
General Counsel, Danone Greater China
International Arbitrator, Gilt Chambers
Secretary-General, CIETAC Online Dispute Resolution Centre
Associate, Lusheng Law Firm
Attorney, NTD Intellectual Property Attorneys
Partner, Llinks Law Offices
IP Director, Tencent
Chief Legal Officer and Vice President, CVTE
Partner, AnJie Law Firm